Latest News
Read the latest news from the Photo2Fuel project and from the researchers involved in the journey towards a sustainable energy transition.
Discover the future of organic chemistry at the Photo2Fuel Workshop on February 12, 2025. Register now!
Sent by kneia on 20/01/2025Learn about the role and contribution of Uppsala University in the Photo2Fuel project, from the design of organic photosensitizers and the integration of microorganisms in hybrid systems, to overcoming the challenges of optimizing light-harvesting materials for efficient CO₂ reduction.
Sent by kneia on 07/01/2025Researchers from Uppsala University, one of Photo2Fuel partners, have published a peer-reviewed article in Chemical Science. Read more.
Sent by kneia on 27/11/2024Get the latest updates on the Photo2Fuel project! Our second newsletter covers key project news, including the launch of our Multi-Stakeholder Platform and more.
Sent by kneia on 21/10/2024The Photo2Fuel consortium gathered in Zürich, Switzerland, for the fourth periodical meeting. Read more here.
Sent by kneia on 27/09/2024Mathematical modelling is at the heart of the Photo2Fuel project. Dive into the fascinating world where equations and simulations drive the future of renewable energy.
Sent by kneia on 20/06/2024Photo2Fuel members gathered on the 19th and 20th of March 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. During the meeting, project partners discussed their latest advances.
Sent by kneia on 25/03/2024We have published our first newsletter, check it out!
Sent by Mara on 19/02/2024Want to discover more on Photo2Fuel? Watch our video!
Sent by Mara on 14/02/2024One of the chemicals that is being obtained in the Photo2Fuel project, apart from biomethane, is acetic acid. Discover more.
Sent by Mara on 26/01/2024A preprint on the Photo2Fuel research has been published. Check it out!
Sent by Mara on 17/11/2023The Photo2Fuel members met in Rushtorf, Germany, to discuss the advance of the project. Read more.
Sent by Mara on 27/10/2023Read more about the CO2Value Database and the Photo2Fuel project.
Sent by Mara on 04/10/2023In this article, we will analyse the concept of artificial photosynthesis and how we will apply it in Photo2Fuel.
Sent by Mara on 04/10/2023The Photo2Fuel consortium periodically meets to exchange updates on the latest advances. Read more.
Sent by Mara on 14/09/2023Lead by CINEA, the Photo2Fuel project is part of a cluster of CCUS EU-Funded projects. Discover more.
Sent by Mara on 25/08/2023TECNALIA has presented some preliminary results at the conference "Aportando valor al CO2". Read more.
Sent by Mara on 27/06/2023The European Commission has set an ambitious goal to achieve by 2050: being the first climate-neutral continent. How is Photo2Fuel contributing to the switch to a sustainable energy transition? Let’s discover it!
Sent by Mara on 04/05/2023The Photo2Fuel consortium gathered in Uppsala, Sweden, for the second periodical meeting. Read more here.
Sent by kneia on 16/02/2023The consortium joined the cluster to boost the impact of the results achieved in the Photo2Fuel project.
Sent by kneia on 01/02/2023With its kick-off meeting in September 2022, the Photo2Fuel project started its activities to support a sustainable energy transition.
Sent by kneia on 01/10/2022