Photo2Fuel members gathered on the 19th and 20th of March 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. During the meeting, project partners discussed their latest advances.

Photo2Fuel Consortium Meeting in Bilbao
The members of Photo2Fuel met in Bilbao, Spain. They met to discuss the project's achievements and progress. Read more.
Photo2Fuel members gathered on the 19th and 20th of March 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. During the meeting, project partners discussed their latest advances. They also shared insights and debated the project's future path. The meeting was a key time to make important decisions. Some partners joined in person while others participated remotely. Over two days, participants engaged in focused discussions on key aspects of the project during the sessions.
The first day started with a project review covering the project's progress in the last six months. Hybrid microorganism semiconductor systems, supervised by Uppsala University and TZE, took centre stage in the discussion. Moreover, modelling activities (led by IDENER) and upscaling strategies (led by the University of Amsterdam) were also part of the ongoing debate. Additionally, project partners devoted attention to communication, dissemination, and exploitation. KNEIA led these activities, which are vital for increasing the project's impact.
Tecnalia, the host, showed the laboratories where they perform Photo2Fuel research activities. Tecnalia provided valuable insights into their research on separation technologies, like electrodialysis. They showed the key role of new technologies in meeting the goals of the Photo2Fuel project.
On the second day, ETH discussed Sustainability Assessment and IDENER showed end-user experience performed. Furthermore, Photo2Fuel market analysis results were shared and Photo2Fuel’s roadmap for future research was discussed with partners.
This meeting marked the project's halfway point. It brought together the project's researchers and experts fostering their collaboration and idea exchange. The next meeting will be hosted by ETH in Zürich, Switzerland, in September 2024.